Our Ethos revolves around safety

Safety is paramount and our top priority. It is a pre-condition to providing our services.


In order to ensure that all services that we deliver are safe, we carry out thorough enhanced safeguarding checks.
These include a number of measures as described below:

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)


This is a government service that prevents unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups. It is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Home Office.This service works by an individual completing a standard referral form and producing identification documents from a given list. The form and documents are taken to a Post Office who verify the documents as being genuine.

The form and certified copy documents are then sent to the DBS who carry out checks against the individual’s criminal background. A DBS certificate is then issued showing full details including criminal record and other names used, both in the UK and other named countries.
We are able to track this application through our electronic portal with secure login access.
All of our staff including drivers along with individuals offering their private homes will require satisfactory enhanced DBS clearance.
Through using pre-contract conditions, we have immediate access to the DBS ongoing alerts in order to be notified of any changes to the issued certificate. All DBS certificates are fully rechecked on an annual basis.


Our team of inspectors will vet private homes pre inclusion as a foster bed/community bed. Ongoing fortnightly visits will then take place with all visits being unannounced.

Care Quality Commission

Although all residential homes and nursing homes will be registered with the Care Quality Commission, our inspectors will carry out our own checks on an unannounced bi-monthly basis.