The Benefits

If you are sitting reading this thinking that you have heard it all before and there isn’t a solution to bed blocking, read on. Don’t be sceptical, be part of transforming the system and release billions back to the public purse.


How this model works

  • We match the needs of individuals who no longer require a bed in a hospital setting to beds in either nursing or residential care settings with an alternative option of home environments.
  • Access to beds is available via a comprehensive matching service with transport fully inclusive.

What does this give you?

  • It frees up beds and enables patients to be admitted and reduces the pressures on Accident and Emergency departments.
  • Ultimately, emergency admissions will reduce as elective admissions increase.
  • Reduced waiting lists.
  • Clinical staff caring for those who need their services.
  • It gives you a hospital with people who need to be in hospital beds, not people who have been treated and are waiting to be discharged.

What does this give you and the patient?

  • Initially it gives hospitals capacity and reduces the stress levels associated with not having beds to admit patients in to.
  • A reduced need for additional funding to reduce waiting lists in order to meet government targets.
  • People receiving the right care in the right environment.
  • Hospitals being used to treat sick people and not a hotel service to those who have been treated.

What will happen if you don't act now?

  • Hospitals will continue to be blocked up with delayed discharges.
  • Increasing inability to meet waiting list targets.
  • Increasing use of the private sector to clear waiting lists.
  • More tax payers money needed to pay for capacity that it already pays for.
  • Increasing Accident and Emergency problems caused by lack of beds that can be admitted to.
  • A system heading towards meltdown.