About Us

Although we don’t provide care itself, what we do supply are beds in a community setting as an in-reach, one-stop service where both health and social care professionals can collaborate/best work together for the good of the/our patients.


The Problem

The National Interim Bed Service was established with the sole objective of facilitating the system change that is required in our country today, and to ensure that patients are in the right place at the right time in order for their needs to be met. Our aim is to rectify the current problem of inappropriate bed usage in nhs hospitals. Put simply, hospital beds should be used for patients who require hospital treatment and care; nursing and residential care should be used where appropriate in the community for rehabilitation and social care needs. A patient may need a bed but the current system mismatch causes the dreaded bed-blockages in our hospitals, meaning in-patients remain on wards longer than is necessary instead of being transferred to other facilities. The ultimate result of this are the pressures witnessed in all nhs departments right across the country as hospitals are unable to admit new patients due to a chronic bed shortage. We therefore have the situation where hospital beds are funded by the national health service and social care is funded by local authorities.

Our operating model

Our operating model is a simple one; we will match the patients who no longer genuinely need to be in hospital and who the NHS terms “bed blockers”, with beds in the community where they will have the level of care and support they need.  Our expert team will identify empty beds in the community and work with hospital staff to deliver well timed discharges and free up the use of much needed hospital beds.

How, where and why?

We achieve this with a two-pronged realignment strategy of supplying beds and providing the transport required to complete the total change of mindset.

We currently operate in england, scotland and wales and we are confident that our initiative will not only improve the in-patient experience but will also plug a hole in the uk economy